Our house in Muncie was situated beside a very nice big yard. It was so peaceful to be able to sit on the porch on a clear day and drink your coffee or iced tea--especially with a loved one. My grandmother commented, one day, that God's favorite colors must be green and blue. That day I had to agree with her as I looked out over the vast green yard as it connected with the clear blue sky. I mentioned this to someone, and they so glibly remarked that God loves all the colors just the same. (Just what do you DO with people who have no scope for the imagination?!)
We received some very disturbing news this week from different places about some very difficult things that a few of our dear friends and family are having to face right now. It seems that everywhere you turn, there are hurting people. It is so hard to try to come up with the right words to say--especially when you think that is all you have to offer. Virtual hugs over the phone are nice in their own right, but not near as comforting. It is so easy to be overcome with grief, and grieving is necessary. But I am so glad to report that when you are able to finally pick your head back up from your tears, you can realize that you have not been alone. The Holy Spirit has been right there beside you with His arms wrapped around you, weeping with you. He knows our frame. He knows our suffering, and the answer to ALL of our prayers is His presence. I have found that resting in that fact is like being wrapped up in a soft blanket in the arms of your closest loved one. There is no where else I'd rather be!
Are you weary, are you heavy hearted?
Tell it to Jesus, Tell it to Jesus.
Are you grieving over joys departed?
Tell it to Jesus alone.
Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus.
He is a friend that's well known.
You've no other such a friend or brother.
Tell it to Jesus alone!

Now it's time to go out and drink in some of God's favorite colors!! red, brown, yellow, black and white... green and blue, too?